Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

My computer is making strange noises — what do I do?

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Generally, computers have 3 parts that can make noise: the speakers (duh), the hard drive, and the fan or fans. We’ll assume that you have already determined that the noise you’re experiencing isn’t coming from the speakers. This leaves the hard drive and fan, the two components in computers that have moving parts. Noise coming from either could indicate a problem, so here’s a few tips to figure out what it might be:

If it’s a quiet clicking or grinding noise, its probably the hard drive. Most computers have a flashing light that indicates hard drive activity, and if the noise is concurrent with this light it  is most definitely the hard drive. In this case, you should shut down the computer immediately and take it to an expert. Continuing to use the computer increases the chance of data loss drastically, and therefore should be avoided at all costs. When you bring your computer to an expert, such as the ones at South City Computer, he or she will generally copy the data from the old drive to a safe place, and then install a new one. Hard drives can’t really be ‘fixed,’ but replacements come at a reasonable price.

If the noise you hear is a louder clicking or fluttering, and it goes on constantly for the entire time the computer is powered on, it is most likely the fan. This poses a danger to your computer too, as a defective or obstructed fan can cause the computer to overheat. This will result in unexpected shutdowns, and can possibly permanently damage the CPU, by melting it. Shut down the computer immediately to prevent possible damage. If you can access the fan, make sure that no wires or dust is obstructing it. If this doesn’t solve the problem, or if the fan is inaccessible, take the computer to an expert to have the fan replaced. Fans are generally inexpensive, but an improper installation could cause the same problems as if the fan hadn’t been replaced at all.

In either case, the best solution is to shut down the computer right away and bring it to South City computers for a professional diagnosis. South City Computer can offer you wholesale pricing on parts that you might not otherwise be able to find at all, and of course, all installations will be done by one of our expert technicians.

Why doesn’t my laptop battery work anymore?

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When lithium-ion rechargeable batteries first hit the market, they were a big deal. They opened a whole new door to portable electronics, because even though the battery could only power it for a few hours, they could be used over and over again.

Unfortunately, this use cycle was not unlimited, and they could only be charged and discharged about 300-500 times. The number of charge cycles has greatly increased since then, mainly due to intelligent charge controllers in the electronics, however, it is still not unlimited.

Chances are, if your laptop is a few years old, the battery has undergone cell oxidation. Cell oxidation is when the battery loses electrons. This is normal, because the battery outputs electrons in order to power the device. The degradation of battery life is caused by the fact that not all of the electrons can be recovered every time the battery is recharged, so, each charge cycle you put the computer through slightly reduces the battery life.

Eventually, once the process gets far enough, the charge controller will notice and send a message to the device. This usually shows up as a notification in the lower right corner on Windows systems. Unfortunately, due to the nature of lithium-ion batteries, there is no way to reverse the process. The battery will need to be replaced.

If this has happened to you, consult the experts at South City Computer to find a reliable replacement battery at a good price.

How to connect to our remote support system

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South City Computer offers remote support over the internet for when you don’t want to bring your laptop or desktop into the store. Here’s the process of getting connected:

1. Call us to schedule an appointment

Call us at 314-400-7918 to schedule an appointment. Appointments can often be made for the next day, and same day appointments for critical cases are possible.

2. Change your power settings

Your computer must remain powered on for a technician to work on it, so change your computer’s power settings like so:
Go to Start > Conrol Panel

Click on System and security

Click on Power Options

Click Change plan settings for the plan that is currently selected

From the drop down menu, select Never. If you’re using a laptop, you may have additional drop downs for options such as “Put the computer to sleep” and “Hibernate the computer”. Make sure these are also set to Never.

Click on Save Changes

3. Download the remote support software

Before your scheduled appointment time, go to A technician will call you at your scheduled time and ask you to enter a 4 letter code. Enter this code into the box on the webpage, and press join.
Windows 7
After a few seconds, you will be prompted with this dialog:
Press the Run button to dismiss the warning. After this, the application will download, and you will be presented with another security warning:
Make sure to press Yes to allow the software to run on your computer.

4. That’s it!

If everything was successful, you should see this message:
The technician should now be able to see and operate your computer and can begin fixing your problems.

Looking for Ivanhoe Computers?

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South City Computer on IvanhoeYou found us! We changed our brand to South City Computer. After several years of people asking us “how do you spell/pronounce IVANHOE?”, we decided to make our name easier. You can expect the same great computer repair service and expert computer support you have always enjoyed, just with a new name. Thanks so much for your business!

Heartbleed Bug still a threat

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The “Heartbleed Bug,” officially know as CVE-2014-0160, is one of the most far reaching  vulnerabilities ever discovered. It allows a hacker to break the encryption on webpages, and steal personal information such as credit card numbers, but more importantly passwords.

When you connect to a secure website, the website uses something know as SSL to encrypt your connection. By doing this, all the data that’s sent between you and the website is meaningless to anyone except those who have the decryption key, i.e., you and the website. One of the features of SSL is that it uses a “heartbeat signal” that is repetitively sent between you and the website to confirm that you are still connected to the real thing. Your computer sends the website a special packet of data, and the website responds with another special packet. Heartbleed exploits a vulnerability in the OpenSSL brand of SSL that allows a hacker to create an abnormal heartbeat packet, which, when sent to the server, will get it to respond with the decryption key. Once the hacker has this key, he can use it to decode all your communications with the website and get more information, like your password.

Not all websites were vulnerable to Heartbleed, but most were. These include Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and many more. Even though all major websites, and most small ones, have patched the bug by now, any information that you sent before it was patched could have been stolen.

This is why it’s extremely important that you change your password for all of the online services that you use. A hacker could have stolen your password before the bug was fixed, and has just not used it yet. Keep in mind that this must be done after the site you’re using has fixed the bug. If they haven’t fixed it, then you make your new password vulnerable too. All major websites (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.) have fixed it, but when working with a smaller website, like a corporate intranet for example, you should check with the administrator to make sure first.

What causes the Red Ring of Death? (and why towels can’t fix it)

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Someone recently dropped by our computer repair store in Lindenwood Park with an X-Box 360 that was experiencing the infamous red ring of death.

The red ring of death is an indicator of a boot failure of the X-Box 360. This could be caused by a number of things, but the most common by far is an issuinside of xboxe that results from overheating.

The X-Box 360 produces a huge amount of heat, and sometimes the fan system isn’t enough to handle it all. Over time, the heat can cause the silicon motherboard to warp out of shape. As a result, it can’t make good contact with the CPU anymore and therefore cannot boot, resulting in the RROD.

So how do we fix it?

Well, first, let’s say how not to fix it. There’s a rumor going around on the Internet that wrapping your X-Box in towels will fix the problem. This is definitely not true. When you wrap your X-Box in towels, it just keeps the heat in, and bends the motherboard even more. This may make the board make good contact with the CPU again, but it lets the CPU and other parts rise to ridiculous temperatures. Like this, you will end up basically melting the components of the unit, and it definitely won’t work then.

The real way to fix it is to re-seat the CPU and GPU, and tighten down the heatsinks so that they can make a good connection with the motherboard. Unfortunately, this really has to be left to a professional. The parts that you have to deal with in there are pretty sensitive, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s possible to break them just by touching them.

Windows 8 Start Menu Guide

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Created by Top Gold, Copywrited, Microsoft’s release of Windows 8 there have been a lot of questions and complaints concerning the most bold new feature, the Start Menu. The Start Menu which replaces the desktop at the start of your computer is considered “innovative” and “incredible” but also is giving users a hard time. We here at South City Computer made a guide for those who are struggling with this new feature, so to help you navigate it better.


Start Button:

Microsoft although wanting to switch up the way your computer starts still they did not entirely throw out the desktop which users are accustomed to.  By hitting the Start Button you are transported directly to the Desktop. The Start Button is the picture above but on a key located to the left of the spacebar. The Start Button, if hit while on the Desktop will transport you back to the Start Menu.

The Start Button is the first part of the keyboard shortcut to a lot of the new Windows 8 features, and by holding it down along with hitting another key can access some of the new features. Here are some useful Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts:

  • (Start+D)= Go to desktop
  • (Start+Tab )=Multitasking Menu
  • (Start+Q)= Search Apps
  • (Start+F)= Search Files
  • (Start+I)= Settings
  • (Start+Prnt Scrn)= Screen shot

Start Menu:

The biggest change in the new OS is the addition of the Start Menu which has a sleek design geared toward touch-screen, and mobile devices. While the Start Menu certainly looks good it can be confusing to navigate and understand with the Live Tiles especially.

Live Tiles:

The Live Tiles are essentially applications that are “pinned” to your Start Menu and run even when not in use. They tend not to take up to much room and are apps like: Facebook, Twitter, etc. The Live apps are on the Start Menu and usually have moving pictures or something along those lines going around the box. For example, the Netflix app will have recommended movies or shows fading in and out. Live apps differ from their desktop counterpart which can bring up a lot of confusion; the Live app version of Skype (a program that can be used to video call and instant message) can be opened from the Start Menu and functions differently from the desktop version of Skype.

“Pinning” Programs to the Start Menu:

While Live Tiles can be downloaded from the Windows Store they are not the only thing that can be on the Start Menu. While on the desktop by right-clicking a program you can “pin” it to the start menu, in doing this when you are on the Start Menu you can click the program you pinned and instead of it opening as a live tile Windows opens the program on the desktop.

Multitasking with Windows 8:

Although the all new Live Tiles can be difficult, they offer a very useful way to multi-task. When having multiple apps open, by dragging your mouse to the top left corner of your screen then dragging it down the left side of the screen or hitting Start+Tab, either way a menu showing all open apps should appear. From being able to see all open apps you can “snap” an app to the side of the screen of your choice, you can do this either by right-clicking and selecting “Snap Left” or “Snap Right” or you can click the app and drag it your preferred side. For example say the Desktop and a free photo editing app downloaded from the Windows Store are both open from the left menu I snap the desktop to the left side and the photo editor to the right side now from here you can find a picture from either your Facebook page or in your Pictures folder via the Desktop. When finding the picture you wanted, you can then select the picture from the photo editor and begin editing now being able to see both the new and the old picture. While editing a photo is just one example there are plenty of other ways to multi-task, like researching and writing a paper on one screen or even watching a movie while video calling a friend.

Windows 8 is still pretty new even for being over a year old, although it may be frustrating we here at South City Computer hope this helped with some the new features. If you have any computer problems or questions call our number: 314-400-7918

Data Loss Can Cause Major Issues

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Did you know that data loss has become increasingly more common since 2008? The Open Security Foundation has recorded the increase of data loss incidents since 2008, claiming that it has become a major problem for some businesses.

What is Data Loss?

Data Loss is when data that someone has stored, whether it be a person or a business, when data gets destroyed or fails without the person or business having a backup storage of the data and without being able to restore the data. Data loss can primarily be catastrophic to businesses that store a lot of data especially if that information is critical to their business.

Data Loss Affects Businesses

One of the more publicly known data loss incidents was TJX’s (the retailer owning such stores like Marshalls and T.J Maxx) loss of 94 million people’s information including credit card and customer identity. TJX lost an estimated $256mil+ along with hackers successfully gaining access to 45 million customers’ information.

Another well know data loss was Sony, in late April of 2011 the PlayStation Network (PSN) was hacked. Hackers obtained personal information including Credit Cards. Post-Breach Sony closed down both PlayStation Network and Sony Online Entertainment. The Poneman institute (research center with focus on data protection and data privacy) estimated that Sony may have to pay up to and/or beyond $2 billion.

How to deal with Data Loss:

  • Data Recovery- In a data recovery shops can attempt to recover lost data but without a previously arranged data backup plan, often data recovery will involve reinstalling of applications, files, etc.
  • Data Backup Plan- Here at South City Computer we can set up a data backup plan, that will support your choice data.

If your data is ever lost or you would like to set up a data backup plan please call us or leave us a message on our website .



How to add or remove synced photos from your Apple iPad, iPhone, or iPod with iTunes

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Recently, a computer repair customer brought their iPad and laptop in to the computer repair shop to get help on how to deal with their files.  We are able to help with this type of Computer services in Lindenwood Park.

In the latest version of Apple iTunes, the syncing options for your photos can be a bit confusing. On your Apple device, you have a camera roll, which contains all the images you took or downloaded using the device itself. You also have the option to divide these photos up into albums, allowing you to organize your photos. There’s another way to get photo albums on your device though that you might not be aware of: through iTunes. This option is so that you can get the images from your computer’s hard disk to the iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch.

What confuses most users is the strange place within the iTunes sync settings that Apple chose to place the option. To get to it, open iTunes on your Mac or Windows PC and plug in  the device using the USB sync cable. Select the device from it’s button on the right side of the header, and then choose the Photos tab. What most people don’t notice is that the header of the page “Photos” actually has a check box you can select. If you want to copy your pictures to your device, all you have to do is check this box.

This is also a solution if your device’s storage is full of photos that you cannot delete. Simply uncheck the box, and all the images will be removed from the i-Device. While the photos will be removed from the device to free up storage, they will remain in the My Pictures folder or Photos Library on your Mac or PC for safe keeping.

iTunes has many strange aspects, and confusing features. Web help is great, but it will not cover these all, so for expert help and computer repair related to iTunes, or any other computer problems you may be having, visit South City Computer at 3235 Ivanhoe Ave. in St. Louis, just north of Lindenwood Park.

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