With every release of Apple’s iOS mobile operating system, there have been jokes to accompany. Often these come in the form of satirical mock-Apple graphics that explain some new (made up) feature in the latest release of the software. Such graphics are often so realistic that they convince unknowing consumers to try out the new features, resulting in people doing things such as microwaving their iPhones.

Example: iWave
A recent one of these jokes involved Apple’s AirDrop function, which, in reality, is a Bluetooth file sharing mechanism for iOS devices. However, the graphic described it as a feature in which the device would use the internal vibration motor and some other mechanisms to protect the device in case it is dropped. Of couse, any users who actually tried to make use of this feature were likely disappointed.
Interestingly, though, it seems like such a feature may actually come to exist. Apple just filed a patent for drop protection in a mobile device. The patent does indeed include the use of the vibration motor to re-orient the device into a position that would keep it safer during a fall. The patent also includes other features, most of which are more space-age-esque, including foldable mechanical airfoils, and a mechanism to forcefully eject connected cables. Doubtless, such a feature would be a godsend to users who are prone to dropping their devices.